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to get rough
para ponerse rudo
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to, get, rough.

rough adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
áspero, basto; desigual, escabroso, accidentado (dícese del terreno); agitado (dícese del mar), tempestuoso (dícese del tiempo), violento (dícese del viento); violento, brutal; duro, difícil; rudo, tosco, burdo; aproximado

Ejemplos de uso de
rough adjective

  • He trimmed the rough edge of the paper.
  • We traveled over rough dirt roads.
  • They hiked through rough terrain.
  • We were a bit shaken from the plane's rough landing.
  • He went through a rough patch after his divorce.
  • They've hit a few rough spots in their marriage.
  • Despite a rough start, the team won more games this season than last.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta que rough se pronuncia igual que ruff.